UPDATE on Flooding at Seminary Avenue and Greenspring Drive
The Friends of Roland Run (FORR), Councilman Wade Kach, Delegate Dana Stein and representatives from Baltimore County Department of Public Works-Transit (DPW-T), and Baltimore County Department of Environment and Sustainability (DEPS) recently met to discuss the flooding issues in Country Club Park. Everyone at the table recognized flooding on Seminary Avenue needs to be
addressed. But how?
Everyone at the table recognized the seriousness of the situation and talked about potential solutions. One solution was taken off the table: making Greenspring Drive a thru-way. DPW-T , reported in the past FORR newsletter, had suggested a thru street. DPW-T also acknowledged the idea had previous been floated to the community and was rejected. FORR concurred this issue is not acceptable to the Country Club Park Community.
DWP-T also stressed the importance of reviewing development north of Seminary Avenue, along the Roland Run. Development should be considered in any discussions about remediation of the flooding. FORR agreed: any solution had to take into account any proposed development.
Also discussed, was the Maryland Fair Grounds. FORR reported to the group that the FORR, along with Delegate Stein and then Delegate Hettleman ( now Senator) , Councilman Kach and the LCA wrote letters of support for remediation funding pollution and storm water management. That project is on-going.
As we talked, we realized the flooding at Country Club Park and Seminary Avenue is not an easy fix. There are federal, state and local issues tied up with any solutions; and, local, state and federal monies ways to pay for any consulting or construction on remedies. Several federal and state funding sources where identified and would be investigated. Some ideas were discussed that require engineering expertise. The main focus on research on engineering solutions are to come from DPW-T. Ideas on how to address Seminary Avenue flooding need to be addressed by the State of Maryland. DEPS will look at the environmental issues. FORR will monitor the development of solution. Councilman Kach and Delegate Stein will look at local and state funding sources. Any suggested corrective approaches will be vetted by the Country Club Park community.
Please look for future information on the flooding issue by going to the FORR website, www.rolandrunfriends.org or the postings on the Country Club Park community bulletin board located at the Children’s playground on Morris Ave.

Playground at Morris Seminary Ave and Greenspring Drive