LUTHERVILLE, MD (March 2, 2023) – At an event this morning at the Baltimore Chamber of Commerce, a diverse group of smart growth, transit advocates, environmental, community and business leaders called on Baltimore County to change the zoning at Lutherville Station to allow for more housing options and to move forward with a Transit-Oriented Development designation from the State of Maryland.
On January 8, 2023.FORR reported the obstruction problem to the Department of Environment and Sustainability (DEPS). The obstruction is causing water to back up and is associated with to the present erosion problems along this stretch of Roland Run. DEPS responded to FORR’s findings by sending out a Baltimore County crew to assess the situation and clear the obstruction.
DEPS workers walked the Roland Run Stream Restoration areas and identified most of the plants . The identification went to the end of the wetland at the end of the BGE property and the results are promising. Here are the results: Native Woody = 33 speciesNative...